I really enjoyed your conversation with Glenn Loury, great job Stephanie.

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Hey Stephanie! Great work! Brave work! More than that seemingly impossible work, but I love the possibility you bring forward.

Watching Glenn's interview with you I have some concerns for the chances of success. If a person of Glenn's intelligence and humility has trouble seeing how generatively reframing issues can shine light on areas of previously overlooked agreement and mutual virtue, what chance do others have who seem to have settled for "trolling is my last tool for leverage, and I'll be damned if I'm giving that up"?

Glenn *apparently* (from my perspective, flawed as that may be) fears that ceding any ground at all to the opposition will result in an unrecoverable setback. What I see you saying is that the "other" that we perceive in the opposition is a fiction created by the framing. And race-to-the-bottom dynamics of this false frame make the shadow-version of the opponent seem more and more real and increasingly monstrous.

After reflecting on my own sinking feeling that all is doomed, I realized there is something exquisite yet subtle in the dynamic that I think could greatly increase the chances that people would be able and willing accept the invitation to let go of a frame that feels like reality.

If they can perceive their attachment newly as a innocent and protective deathgrip on a shred of certainty, it may be possible that they can see that their grasp is not on the truth, but on the chains in Plato's cave that weld them to the wall and prevent them from exploring the actual terrain of possibility. They fear that if they release those chains/frames to apparent truth, the shadow monsters on the wall will gobble them up along with everything they love. The truth does not dissappear when we let go of it, but a frame does. Just convince them to try the experiment and see what happens.

There is more to this awareness, but it's too much for a comment. I'd love to chat if you can make time, as I think what you are doing is essential, and I wish you success beyond your dreams.

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Wow, thank you David! Beautifully said! "The truth does not dissappear when we let go of it, but a frame does." AMEN. Happy to chat when I'm back above water :) Feel free to reach out: stephanie@infinitelunchbox.com

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