If the populace is under systematic injustices for a long while, their literal epigenetic expression changes and they either become "docile" or "hyper charged" on different narratives, which is exploited by the prevailing systems.

How would the thesis, anti thesis and synthesis approach be tailored according to above mentioned circumstances? How do we cut through all that genetic and psychological baggage to find some real common ground?

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Alliteration is clearly a mark of literary merit, Promiscuous Pragmatic Pluralist. We share so many tantalizingly theatrical thoughts in common! I just published a piece on this very subject today. "Medicine GOOD?! Medicine BAD?! No. Surviving a Captured 'Medical Industrial Complex,'" https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffthomasblack/p/medicine-good-medicine-bad-no-blindspots-drmartymakary?r=1sia9r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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